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Computers and the History of Art - 1997 Conference Paper Abstract

Kate Hainsworth
ImageIn - Exploring an Intranet Application for Fine Art Images

Axis - for information on visual artists. Axis has developed the software for the Axis database, a multimedia tool for sourcing visual artists living and working in Great Britain. The Axis database contains over 6,000 digital images of contemporary artworks. Axis was project manager of ImageIn, a research project funded by the EC. ImageIn investigated a commercial picture reproduction service using current technologies. A consortium of public funded and commercial organisations have worked together to build an intranet for digital image sourcing and delivery. ImageIn explored the relationship between not-for-profit organisations, profit driven picture libraries and publishers across Europe. The project exploited technologies common within the publishing world with the aim of producing a sustainable streamlined efficient service benefiting all parties involved. This allowed the project to explore the needs of electronic publishing as a fledgling industry. The two perceived needs were the rights to reproduce fine art images electronically and the reproduction of electronic or multimedia artworks.

How far in the future is the electronic greetings card? Where will the art images for these be sourced?

Kate Hainsworth is Chief Executive of Axis, for information on visual artists. Formerly a management and marketing consultant with London firm, Rhys Jones, she has extensive business-to-business marketing experience and specialised in new technologies. She has been part of a European consortium to launch a new business tool for the IT industry using Internet and ISDN and in an earlier life worked with Total oil as their refinery environmental co-ordinator, and founded touring theatre group, Theatre Agog.

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