Computers and the History of Art - 1998 Conference Paper Abstract
The aim of the DIAD Project is to provide a digitised record, available on CD-ROM and the World Wide Web, of seminal journals in art and design. The researchers recognise the special requirements of art and design students and tutors - the need for high quality images close to the original and the importance of retaining the touch and feel factors required for teaching in this subject. They have produced CD-ROM and WWW prototypes which will be demonstrated and discussed.
The technical and copyright implications of retrospectively digitising a 30 year old publication are significant and must be taken into full account by archivists or museums considering a digitisation project. DIAD has so far digitised 60 issues of Design journal, representing 1965 1969, and is currently digitising a further 60 issues, representing 1970 - 1974. In addition to this a comprehensive copyright register has been produced using subject specialists, original artwork, and novel research methods.
The prototype has been tested by the project consortium and is about to be released in CD-ROM and WWW formats to Art and Design colleges in the London Institute for demonstration, prior to release in the UK HE sector. In particular the paper will evaluate the benefit digital archives.