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Computers and the History of Art - 1998 Conference Paper Abstract

Neil Grindley & Catherine Gordon
Witt Library; Record for Courtauld CD

The aim of this paper is to outline one method for quickly and cheaply producing what is hoped will be regarded as a scholarly and comprehensive record of the Courtauld Gallery's oil paintings on CD. The procedures adopted in its production are not technically innovative but it is hoped that in describing the stages of the project, some insight may be gained as to the various tools that can be used to prepare a body of material for publication in electronic format. As the source for almost all the textual material that will appear in the CD, there will be a short explanation of the Witt Index database. The design of this database and the high editorial standards of the information contained within it will be considered in relation to the larger issue of the re usability of information across projects.

At the time of writing, the CD is in the last stage of production and it is envisaged that the product will be available by September. Accordingly it is hoped that it will be demonstrable at the conference.

The design of a user interface and the final technical procedures are being undertaken in collaboration with Utrecht University who have had much experience in producing academic CDs.

CHArt 98 Abstracts