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Computers and the History of Art - 1999 Conference Paper Abstract

Ewan Campbell & Stuart Jeffrey
Leaving No Stone Unturned:The SEMSS project for high resolution 3-D imaging of Scotland s early medieval sculptures

The SEMSS project seeks to establish a comprehensive digital record of the early medieval sculpture of Scotland. It will contribute to the preservation of these monuments through a programme of recording and monitoring and to their greater understanding through the compilation of a database distributed via electronic media.

The project is developing methods of high resolution digital 3-D recording which can be used to address a number of needs, namely to: view and rotate the virtual images of the stones; vary the direction and intensity of the virtual light source; place the stones back in their original landscape position; zoom into areas of detail (not pre-determined); enhance worn areas; reconstruct missing or damaged portion of design; annotate and add sketches on a superimposed layer on the images; create 3D replicates of the stones (using non-contact methods); and make 3D images of local monuments available to local people through the medium of the Internet and CD ROM. There are a number of technical issues have been addressed and the results of the project to date will be presented.

CHArt 99 Abstracts