8.2 Contents
Issue Editor: John Sunderland
Digital Perspectives
Vaughan Hart and Joe Robson
Hans Holbeins The Ambassadors
(1533): A Computer View of Renaissance Perspective Illusion.......... 1
M. Pappas, G.Angelopoulos, A. Kadoglou amd I.Pitas
A Database Management System for Digital Archiving of Paintings and Works
of Art .......... 15
Spike Bucklow
Representations of a Class of Visual Textures .......... 37
Vaughan Hart and Joe Robson
Carlo Crivellis Annunciation
(1486): A Computer Investigation into Renaissance Painted Perspective
.......... 55
Jillian Hamilton
The Virtual Tutorial Gallery: A Dialogic Approach to Multimedia and Art
History Education .......... 71
Wolfgang Wierner
Proportion Analysis of Medieval Churches by Computer - Final Success after
150 Years of Failure? .......... 89
Notes on Contributors .......... 109
Index .......... 113