CHArtComputers and the History of Art
Reinhold Weinmann,
European Media Laboratory HeidelbergArchitecture Base. A data base for 3D-models of buildings
Employing the technology of geographical information-systems we develop a tourist information system for the city of Heidelberg. A geo-coded database linking its content to objects and persons allows the user to access multimedia-information such as explanations, maps, photographs, historic views, short videos and 3D-models. Next to the 3 dimensional geo-coding all data are time-coded as well, supplying each object, event or person with time-specific data. Therefore, the user can ask the system about historic events and periods related to persons or objects. The user will also be able to experience changes of single buildings as well as the whole townscape through time, by means of a 3D-model. Various sources are available for the reconstruction of the townscape and the buildings of distinct periods. In most cases these sources, such as old engravings, are not sufficient to reconstruct complete objects. Therefore, a database containing elements of buildings from different periods is being developed.
Elements of this database are e.g. windows, doors or roof parts, related to their historical, geographical and functional role. These architectural 'building blocks' can then, in turn, be used to complete models of buildings where no detailed information is available. These elements themselves are reconstructed after the model of still existing buildings, which can be found in Heidelberg and in towns nearby. The fusion of information gathered from historic views, old ground plans and the architecture base will allow the 3D-modelling of Heidelberg in different centuries and thus provides the user with a 4D-information-system for virtual travels in space and Time.