CHArt Twentieth Annual Conference

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Twenty Years of Arts Computing

Vickie O'Riordan, University of California, San Diego, USA
This is the Modern World: Collaborating with ARTstor

January 2002 marked the beginning of a valuable collaboration between the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the University of California, San Diego Libraries. A substantial grant from the Mellon Foundation gave the UCSD Libraries slide collection the opportunity and capability to contribute a significant amount of images and associated cataloging data to ARTstor.

The UCSD slide collection, started in the early 1970s, contains 250,000 slides, the majority created from Copy Stand photography. A library resource, the slide collection is used campus-wide by UCSD faculty and students. It contains a robust collection of art images from a wide range of time periods and cultures, as well as a substantial number of images from the humanities and social sciences.
When the slide collection went online in the mid-1980s the decision was made to create a full catalog record for each slide complete with subject headings. In the early 1990s the slide records were moved into the UCSD Library catalog and mapped to MARC.

This paper will cover the following four areas:

The complexity and scale of this partnership required considerable planning and utilized a wide range of resources. The result is a successful community resource for sharing images within an expanded educational audience.

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